Top 10k strings from Star Firebirds (1985)(Firebird Software)[re-release].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 emu 1 Waiting to LOAD hiscores table 1 W P Q R S T U V W@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W`P`Q`R`S`T`U`V`W 1 Start tape, then press 'SPACE' 1 Star Firebirds 1 RPerfect TZX sampled from the original cassette by +Church of the Latter-Day Speccy 1 REVELATION! 1 REINDEER FLOTILLA 1 Press the key you wish to use ;@L E F T : ?@R I G H T : ?@P A U S E : ?@W A R P : ?@F I R E : ?@T h a n k s !@Select control option@(Press a key ; 1,2,3 or 4)@1. K E Y B O A R D@2. I N T E R F A C E 2@3. K E M P S T O N@4. C U R S O R T Y P E@@@ 1 PLAYER 1 \] = 5 PLAYER 2 ^_ = 50 1 PLAYER UP@ 1 Originally released in 1985 by Insight 1 O58MW067MW0 1 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O 1 Mike Follin 1 LUKE SKYWALKER 1 I won't finish it in time !! @The games as bad as the name. @Maybe by Michael S. Follin. @YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME BACK...@(SH)al w(ee) pl(ay) a G(AA)m ? @You're not invited, hacker. @Amazingly witty, trench-head. @This routine's all my own work!@Goff is a total melonhead. @CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT @ 1 Hello Michael,have a nice day.@Is Terry Bulfib a real name ? @NO NAUGHTY WORDS, moron. @NO NAUGHTY WORDS, vocab-head. @The force isn't with you, LIAR!@Music by Timothy John Follin. @MSF hereby disowns this program@Mark hates Rocky movies. @Insight are really nice guys. @No insults, please. @Gof can't program: he's tea-boy@Cowboxinbinmissinhippyfishcake!@Wot ? Roccoy > Stryker NO WAY! @H A L L O F F A M E 1 First:@Second:@Third:@Fourth:@Fifth:@Sixth:@Seventh:@Eighth:@Ninth:@Tenth:@That was one in a million ! @I'm ready for anything ! @Great kid, -don't get cocky. @Yeah, but who's gonna fly it ? @I have you now.....Whaaatt !?! @I'm not such a bad pilot myself@You're makin' a mess. @I have a bad feeling about this@It's not my fault ! @Looks like I'm going nowhere. @GET LOST HACKER! @@@@@d 1 ENTER to start..SPACE for menu..> 1 EEFFFFFFFFFF 1 DESIGN DESIGN 1 Congratulations- enter your name 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 @@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G`@`A`B`C`D`E`F`G 1 ;"AFTER PICTURE HAS LOADED, START TAPE AND PRESS ANY KEY": 1 2k\2>\*K\### 1 123450@123450@123450@123450@123450@123450@123450@123450@123450@123450@THIS SPACE TO LET This person cannot type ! @I'm not waiting for ever. Bah!@I'm seriously considering RST 0@You humans are all the same....@The man with no name. @Time's up, O sloth-fingered one@C'mon, I don't sweat you !(yuk)@Wotsthatmean ? PRAVLERTSL ? @ 1 1. ONE PLAYER GAME@2. TWO PLAYER GAME@3. SELECT CONTROLS@4. SELECT LEVEL@5. START THE GAME @Select Starting Level;@1. EASY@3. MEDIUM@5. HARD@7. DANGEROUS@ 1 +"Loading" 1 "start source tape": 1 "READY TO SAVE STAR FIREBIRDS BASIC LOADER PROGRAM Stop the source tape and start the object tape" 1 "PLEASE LEAVE SOURCE TAPE RUNNING AND WAIT": 1 "I strongly advise you to buy this game because for two quid you really can't go wrong!" Overall 8/10 Your Sinclair #9